Herewith we post general and information about plastic and piping world for you to understand.

Jasa Pasang Pipa Hdpe Terbaik dan Tepat Waktu proyek instalasi pipa Kalimantan


Jasa pasang pipa hdpe Kalimantan  – Baru baru ini tim instalasi pipa kami baru saja menyelesaikan pekerjaan pemasangan pipa air dan pipa limbah jenis HDPE di Kalimatan.

Pasang pipa HDPE Kalimantan

Pekerjaan pemasangan pipa HDPE diselesaikan lebih cepat dari waktu kontrak. Hal ini memungkinkan karena semua telah direncanakan dan dianalisa dengan baik oleh tim pemasang pipa sebelum pekerjaan dimulai. Tepat waktu adalah merupakan salah satu prinsip yang dipegang oleh tim pasang pipa kami.

Upah jasa pasang pipa HDPE di Kalimantan yang kompetitif dibanding dengan penyedia jasa pasang pipa hdpe lainnya, dengan kualitas yang terbaik dapat kami lakukan karena kami tim jasa pasang pipa kami adalah merupakan tenaga kerja terlatih dan telah mempunyai sertifikat pemasangan pipa HDPE. Disamping dari itu, tentunya menggunakan produk PT. Sinar Utama Nusantara, pabrik penjualan pipa HDPE yang terbaik yaitu pipa HDPE DENYA.

Berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang penyediaan Jasa pasang pipa di bidang perpipaan Indonesia.

Anda dapat berkonsultasi dengan kami jika ingin melakukan instalasi pipa berbagai ukuran. Kami dapat menawarkan anda solusi terbaik untuk proyek pemasangan pipa anda. Dengan pengalaman pemasangan pipa lebih dari 10 (sepuluh) tahun, kami telah dipercaya melakukan pemasangan pipa oleh banyak perusahaan di Indonesia baik proyek swasta maupun pemerintah.

Prosedur pemesanan jasa pasang pipa air kami mudah, tidak bertele-tele. Anda cukup menghubungi kami, lebih kurang 3 minggu sebelumnya. Hal ini disebabkan tim kami membutuhkan persiapan matang sebelum melaksanakan proyek pemasangan pipa anda. Sebagai informasi, untuk saat ini tim pemasangan pipa HDPE kami berjumlah lebih kurang 8 (delapan) tim terlatih.

Berikut ini jasa pemasangan yang kami sediakan berdasarkan material:

Jasa Pemasangan yang kami sediakan berdasarkan bidang usaha:

Untuk saat ini kami melayani jasa pemasangan pipa ke seluruh Indonesia. Dimulai dari pulau Sumatera, pulau Kalimatan, Kepulauan Riau, hingga Indonesia bagian Timur. Anda dapat menghubungi kami di kontak dibawah ini.

Kabar gembira bagi anda yang berkompeten di bidang jasa pemasangan pipa dan distribusi produk pipa, Sebagai tim yang open minded, siapapun yang mempunyai visi dan misi yang sama akan kami sambut dengan sukacita untuk bergabung dengan kami.

Kami akan berkordinasi dengan anda jika lokasi anda adalah yang terdekat dengan proyek instalasi pipa.

Tlp/Sms/WA: 0813-6203-1232
Email: admin@denya.co.id

Advantage of using DENYA sewage pipe ( pipa PVC limbah )


Sewage pvc pipe / (translated) Pipa pvc limbah adalah saluran air pembuangan yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap perumahan atau industri tentunya membutuhkan saluran air limbah. Saluran air limbah sangat penting untuk direncanakan dengan baik dan dipasang dengan baik pula. Salah satunya adalah pemilihan jenis pipa yang tepat dan menggunakan jasa pemasangan pipa terpercaya pula.

Di pasaran terdapat beragam jenis pipa yang menawarkan diri sebagai pipa pvc limbah, namun tentu saja anda harus selektif dan mendapatkan pilihan terbaik. Salah satu pilihan terbaik untuk saat ini adalah pipa air limbah DENYA.

Kenapa pipa PVC limbah DENYA?

DENYAadalah salah satu produk terbaik dari PT. Sinar Utama Nusantara yang diproduksi khusus untuk saluran air limbah. Pipa PVC Limbah DENYA sangat cocok dipergunakan dalam berbagai tingkat kebutuhan dari kebutuhan perumahan hingga kebutuhan industrial. Pipa pvc limbah DENYA telah teruji dan dipercaya oleh dinas pekerjaan umum dalam proyek-proyek saluran air limbah yang dikelola oleh pemerintah.

Untuk mengetahui lebih jelas anda dapat mengunduh brosur pipa limbah DENYA.

Ada beberapa keuntungan yang dapat anda peroleh dengan menggunakan pipa pvc limbah DENYA diantaranya adalah:

1. Bahan berkualitas
Pipa limbah DENYA menggunakan bahan uPVC atau unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. Bahan pipa yang memiliki tingkat elastisitas yang tinggi sehingga aman untuk digunakan sebagai saluran air buangan atau limbah. Penggunaan bahan uPVC dengan pengelolaan yang baik menjadikan PVC limbah DENYA tahan lama dan berumur panjang. Dengan lifetime yang lama tentunya anda akan terhindar dari biaya perawatan saluran air limbah yang cukup tinggi.

2. Permukaan yang halus
Permukaan pipa air limbah adalah salah satu hal penting yang tidak boleh dikesampingkan karena permukaan yang halus akan membuat aliran air limbah menjadi lancar. Pipa dengan permukaan yang kurang halus cenderung menyebabkan sampah atau kotoran menempel atau tersangkut ke permukaan tersebut sehingga lama kelamaan akan menyebabkan pipa air limbah tersebut sumbat. Namun masalah ini tidak akan terjadi jika anda menggunakan produk pipa limbah DENYA.

3. Warna yang cerah dan tebal merata.
Pipa pvc limbah DENYA berwarna merah oranye mendekati cokelat muda. Sehingga jika instalasi pipa air limbah tidak ditanam tentunya tidak akan merusak pemandangan rumah atau lokasi proyek. 

Pipa limbah DENYA juga mempunyai ketebalan dinding yang sangat merata dan baik. Ketebalan yang baik akan membuat pipa lebih tahan lama dan turbulensi saluran air limbah akan sangat seimbang sehingga suara aliran limbah akan terminimalisir dengan baik.

Beberapa pertimbangan tersebut diatas dapat menjadi pedoman anda untuk memilih pipa PVC limbah. Pipa limbah DENYA yang tersedia di pasaran tentunya akan memberikan anda kemudahan untuk menentukan pipa yang berkualitas dan cocok untuk anda pergunakan pada proyek anda.

Jika anda membutuhkan jasa pasang pipa terpercaya anda silakan klik link jasa pemasangan pipaatau disini.

Keterangan / informasi tambahan:

  1. Nama popular:
    Pipa PVC Limbah disebut juga Pipa air limbah, Pipa limbah, Pipa SDR 41 (PN 41), Pipa air buangan.
  2. Kelas / tipe:
    Kelas A dan Kelas B dimana kelas B lebih tebal daripada kelas A.
  3. Jenis penyambungan:
    Sambungan SCJ (Solvent cement joint) / dengan lem pipa pvc.
    Sambungan RRJ (Rubber Ring Joint) / tanpa menggunakan lem pipa pvc.
  4. Panjang pipa: 4 meter dan 6 meter (tergantung daerah).
  5. Contoh penggunaan secara umum: Sistem drainase gedung, saluran buangan air hujan, saluran septic tank, proyek drainase pekerjaan umum (PU), saluran limbah perumahan dan industri / pabrik.
pipa pvc limbah
Sambungan Rumah

Sambungan Rumah (SR) dengan pipa HDPE untuk sanitasi atau perpipaan masyarakat (PAMSIMAS)


Denya.co.id – Sambungan rumah (SR) adalah sebutan popular untuk sambungan distribusi air ke rumah-rumah masyarakat. Sambungan rumah biasanya dikelola oleh Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) setempat dan merupakan proyek sanitasi atau perpipaan untuk pengairan air bersih yang sedang digalakkan oleh pemerintah.

SR atau sambungan rumah ini biasanya dimulai dari pipa distribusi induk hingga ke meteran air (water meter) depan rumah penduduk.

Biasanya pipa yang digunakan untuk Sambungan Rumah (SR) berukuran kecil dari 63mm hingga 20mm. Penyambungan SR sebenarnya susah susah gampang. Dikatakan susah karena kebanyakan dari kita harus pintar – pintar mengkombinasikan beberapa material yang berbeda semisal pipa hdpe, pipa pvc, pipa galvanis dan beberapa aksesoris lainnya.

Melalui artikel ini kami ingin membagikan beberapa tips dan informasi penyambungan yang umum digunakan untuk Sambungan Rumah (SR).

Secara umum, pemasangan SR dimulai dengan pemasangan CLAMP SADDLE. CLAMP SADDLE biasanya disesuaikan dengan material pipa distribusi yang akan kita cangkokkan dengan pipa untuk SR. Misalnya pipa distribusinya adalah pipa hdpe, maka kita pergunakan CLAMP SADDLE HDPE pula.

Untuk CLAMP SADDLE yang dipakai harus sesuai dengan ukuran pipa distribusi dan keluarannya adalah sesuai dengan kebutuhan pipa SR kita. Misalkan pipa distribusi adalah 110mm dan pipa SR kita adalah 32mm, maka CLAMP SADDLE yang kita gunakan adalah CLAMP SADDLE 110mm x 1” (32mm).

Dilubang keluaran CLAMP SADDLE akan dipasangkan FERRULE CUTTER atau MALE THREADED ADAPTOR ataupun MALE ELBOW.

FERRULE CUTTER dipakai apabila pipa distribusi dalam kondisi aktif atau mengalirkan air dan tidak bisa di hentikan.


MALE THREADED ADAPTOR  (MTA) atau soket drat luar, menjadi alternatif yang ideal jika pipa distribusi dapat di non-aktifkan atau di hentikan pada saat instalasi sambungan rumah (SR) karena harganya yang lebih bersahabat.

MALE ELBOW juga dapat dipergunakan jika kondisi mengharuskan kita membelokkan jalur pipa keluaran dari CLAMP SADDLE.

Selanjutnya aksesoris tersebut diatas disambungkan dengan pipa hdpe dan ditarik hingga ke titik yang ditentukan. Biasanya ke masing-masing depan rumah masyarakat.

Dititik yang ditentukan inilah pipa hdpe tersebut kemudian disambungkan ke ANGLE LOCKABLE VALVE (ataupun GATE VALVE yang bisa dikunci). Penyambungannya cukup gampang, yaitu dengan menggunakan FEMALE THREADED ADAPTOR (FTA) atau populernya soket drat luar, jika ulir / drat valve tersedia mempunyai drat luar (jantan).

FTA ini kemudian diberi SEAL TAPE pada ulirnya dan disambungkan ke valve yang sudah dipersiapkan.  Kemudian kita kunci dengan baik. Untuk SEAL TAPE sendiri kami sarankan menggunakan SEAL TAPE khusus industri.

Pergunakan FTA sekali lagi untuk menyambung valve dengan pipa hdpe pada ujung satunya. Kemudian gunakan FTA ataupun MTA sesuai dengan ujung dari WATER METER yang akan kita koneksikan.

WATER METER yang dipakai untuk proyek Sambungan Rumah haruslah mempunyai sertifikat atau logo SNI dan terbuat dari plastik ataupun kuningan / bronze / brass.

DENYA adalah contoh dari produsen pipa yang bersertifikat SNI.

Pada ujung sebelah dari WATER METER, biasanya disambungkan dengan BALL VALVE yang tujuannya untuk menghentikan aliran air jika dibutuhkan. Sambungan antara WATER METER dan BALL VALVE biasanya menggunakan DOUBLE NIPPLE. Gunakan kembali FTA atau soket drat dalam. Kali ini dengan bahan besi karena kita akan segera membuat leher angsa.

Soket drat dalam tersebut kita sambungkan dengan pipa galvanis sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Setelahnya kita gunakan ELBOW galvanis pada ujung pipa. Arahkan ujung ELBOW galvanis satunya kearah atas.

Sambung kembali dengan pipa kira-kira 50 centimeter. Kemudian gunakan jenis FEMALE ELBOW atau Elbow drat dalam pada ujung pipa yang tegak keatas untuk kemudian kita sambung dengan KERAN AIR.

Sebagai catatan, jangan lupa gunakan SEAL TAPE pada seluruh sambungan DRAT.

Pada beberapa daerah, penggunaan BOX WATER METER dan atau BOX CONTROL dari semen adalah wajib dan sebenarnya memang disarankan untuk seluruh proyek Sambungan Rumah.

Demikian informasi tentang Sambungan Rumah yang bisa kami bagikan dan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk anda. Jika sudah dipahami, maka akan terasa gampang. (susah susah GAMPANG kan).

Apabila anda suka dan merasa bermanfaat, silakan membagikan artikel ini kepada teman teman anda yang membutuhkan informasi. Jika ada pertanyaan silakan menghubungi DENYA. Kami akan dengan senang hati membantu anda.

Sebagai informasi, DENYA menyediakan seluruh keperluan untuk proyek Sambungan Rumah (SR) anda.

English Version

First of all, Home connection (SR) is a popular designation for water distribution connections to residential homes. Furthermore, home connections are usually managed by the local Regional Water Company (PDAM) and are sanitation or piping projects for clean water irrigation which are being promoted by the government.

This SR or house connection usually starts from the main distribution pipe to front of the residential house.

Usually the pipes used for Home Connections (SR) starts from 63mm to 20mm. It is quiet difficult because most of us have to be smart and experienced to combine several different materials such as hdpe pipes, pvc pipes, galvanized pipes and some other accessories.

Through this article we want to share some tips and connection information commonly used for Home Connections (SR).

In general, the SR installation starts with the installation of the SADDLE CLAMP. CLAMP SADDLE usually adapted to the distribution pipe material that we will joint with SR pipe. For example the distribution pipe is hdpe pipe, then we use the HDPE CLAMP SADDLE.

Another note is the CLAMP SADDLE itself must match the size of the distribution pipe and its output is in accordance with the needs of our SR pipe. As the example, the distribution pipe is 110mm and our SR pipe is 32mm, then the SADDLE CLAMP that we use is the SADDLE CLAMP 110mm x 1 “(32mm).

Meanwhile, the hole in the CLAMP SADDLE output will be paired with FERRULE CUTTER or MALE THREADED ADAPTER or MALE ELBOW.

FERRULE CUTTER is used if the distribution pipe is active or running water that cannot be deactivated.

Alternative choice of fittings

MALE THREADED ADAPTER (MTA) is an ideal alternative if the distribution pipe can be deactivated or stopped during a house connection installation (SR) because the price is more friendly.

We can also use MALE ELBOW if conditions require that we deflect the output pipeline of the SADDLE CLAMP.

Furthermore, one of all above accessories will connected to the hdpe pipe to specified point and it’s usually till the front of the targetted residential house.

It was determined that this hdpe pipe was then connected to ANGLE LOCKABLE VALVE (or GATE VALVE that could be locked). Simply we can use FEMALE THREADED ADAPTER (FTA) if the thread / valve valve is available if it has an outer (male) thread.

SEAL TAPE must be applied on all thread of fittings and then connected to the valve that has been prepared. Lock it as well. Meanwhile, SEAL TAPE recommend is industry-specific SEAL TAPE.

Apply FTA again in other end to connect the valve with the hdpe pipe. Then use FTA or MTA in accordance with the tip of the WATER METER that we will connect.

Hence in SR Project, the WATER METER used for the Home Connection project must have a SNI certificate or logo and be made of plastic or brass / bronze / brass.

DENYA is an example of SNI certified pipe producers.

It is usually connected to the BALL VALVE after WATER METER which function is to stop the flow of water if needed.

Hence DOUBLE NIPPLE applied between WATER METER and BALL VALVE. Next we need to install FTA and connect it with galvanized pipe because we will immediately make the goose neck type.

After that we use galvanized ELBOW at the end of the pipe. Point the other ELBOW galvanized tip towards the top.

Connect ELBOW with a Galvanized pipe approximately 50 centimeters. Then use the FEMALE ELBOW or Elbow drat type inside the end of the pipe which is upright and then we connect with WATER TAPE.

For reminder, don’t forget to use SEAL TAPE on all threaded connections.

Probably in some areas the use of BOX WATER METERS and or BOX CONTROL from cement is mandatory and is actually recommended for all Home Connection projects.

Therefore we wish all the information about Home Connections we share can benefit you.

In conclusion, If you like and feel useful, please share this article with your friends who need information. Finally, if there are questions please contact DENYA. We will be happy to help you.

Above all, for your information, DENYA provides all the requirements for your Home Connection (SR) project.

pipa hdpe pipe denya

All you need to know about HDPE Pipe


About HDPE Pipe: It is no secret that there are currently various types of pipe available for building and other sectors. We need it to make waterways in a building and in the countryside to make housing power lines. And among the various types on the market, pipes made of high density polyethylene are one of the most sought after.

Get to Know More about HDPE Pipe, Its Materials and Advantages

Referred to a special product because it has a food grade standard, this type of pipe is used for various needs. One of them is to support the distribution of pressurized clean water. In addition, it is also often used for fiber optic pipe installations by telecommunications companies, channels for chemicals and gas, and so on. Then, what exactly does this type of pipe product mean?

What is HDPE Pipe?

Considering the definition, HDPE pipes are a type of pressurized plastic pipe made of high-quality plastic raw materials. The name of this product itself refers to the raw material used to make it, namely high density polyethylene. Because it is made of polyethylene which is then abbreviated as PE, this plastic pipe is often referred to PE as well.

Polyethylene, Raw Materials of PE Pipe

Then, what is polyethylene itself which is the raw material for this pipe product? Polyethylene is basically a thermoplastic that is widely used for plastic bag products. This material is a type of polymer produced from petroleum materials. Besides being used for the manufacture of HDPE pipe, this material is also often used in various productions of household appliances and so on.

The Advantages of This Pipe Type

There are several things that make polyethylene referred to high-quality materials. One of them is because the material is not easily damaged. Not only that, this material is also known to be safe and has a food grade standard. That’s why it becomes a pipe material that is safe for eating and drinking equipment. Here is complete information about the advantages of pipes made of polyethylene.

# 1 Durable

When it comes to the durability, this type of pipe has many features in dealing with the conditions that occur around it. PE pipe is said to be able to last up to 50 years and more noted that the product is used in normal use. And here are the features of the PE pipes which make it able to survive for a long time.

·         Resistant to chemicals

One of the things that makes this type of HDPE pipe can last for decades is because it can withstand various types of chemicals. With its quality, PE can be used to drain various types of materials ranging from clean water to chemicals. More interestingly, it can withstand these various chemicals for a lot of time.

·         Resistant to UV light

Not only is it resistant to chemicals, hoses or pipes made of high density polyethylene can also withstand UV rays. Because of its ability to withstand UV light, this HDPE pipes is not fragile and is able to last for decades. Therefore the use of these pipes has also become increasingly diverse in the community.

·         Resistant to rust

Besides not easily broken and damaged, HDPE pipes are pipes that are also not easily corroded. This certainly cannot be separated from the quality of PE materials that do not easily contain rust. Because of this advantage, there is no doubt that this type of PE pipe is widely used to connect clean water and even drinking water that we can consume safely.

·         Resistant to various weather conditions

Another thing that makes this HDPE product last longer is because it is able to survive in various weather conditions. This product is suitable in various regions even in the most extreme weather conditions. Besides being resistant to temperatures of up to 60° C, this product is also resistant to low temperatures. It makes the pipes can be applied in four-climate and tropical countries.

#2 Strong Connection System

Polyethylene also has a very strong and safe connection system. In this case, if we want to connect HDPE pipes with something else, we don’t need to be afraid if there is a leakage. For example is when we want to connect it to a clean water line to the kitchen. We don’t need to be afraid of leaking because the connection is safe.

#3 Light and has a smooth surface

Furthermore, this PE pipe is also known to be lighter than an iron pipe. Compared to the weight of an iron pipe, the pipe with PE material is about 1/6 lighter. In addition, this product also has a smoother inner surface. This very smooth surface makes HDPE pipe is suitable for connecting drains because they can avoid leaks.

#4 Flexible

Another advantage possessed by products made of PE is this one is extremely flexible. This product has a degree of flexibility at a 25x outer diameter of the pipe. This advantage makes the installation process of the product not requiring a lot of accessories especially for turns. In addition, because it is flexible, no need to fear that this product can break easily during installation.

#5 Does Not Contain Poison and Environmentally Friendly

Then, pipes made of high density polyethylene also do not contain poisons so they are very safe to use for all needs. This is inseparable from the character of PE which has a strong bond between molecules that are not easily damaged and pollute the flow of water in it. In addition, this material is also easily recycled so it is more environmentally friendly.

#6 Connection System Varies

The connection system of HDPE pipe is not only strong, but also varies greatly. There are various methods that can be done to connect this product including mechanical joints and welded fusion. For welded fusion or melting methods, for example, it can be done with electro fusion and butt fusion. In this case the method of electro fusion can be done without machines and adhesives.

Discover the Types of HDPE Pipes

After getting to know more about what PE pipes and their advantages are, of course we should not miss information regarding any type of pipe made with this polyethylene or PE material. Just like other similar products, those who sell HDPE pipe will also offer these pipes in various types. And here are the variants that are usually offered on the market.

Based On Its Use

Well, the pipe product made of polyethylene can indeed be used for various needs ranging from clean water lines to cable protectors. In this case, pipe products are often offered with adjustments so that they can be used for certain needs desired by clients. And here are some variants of PE products that are often offered based on their use.

·         For Construction of Clean Water Channels

Because of its superiority and quality, PE is highly recommended for making clean water lines as described above. For the manufacture of clean water lines, it seems impossible if we are offered a product type of subduct pipe because this one type is usually intended for telecommunication cables. Generally for clean water, the types offered are usually those that have a dominant black color with a size of half an inch to 24 inches.

·         For the Construction of Pressurized Gas Channels

It’s different if we want to buy PE for the manufacture of pressurized gas channels. If for clean water the product offered is predominantly black, for pressurized gas lines the product usually has a dominant yellow color. In addition to pipes made of polyethylene materials, products made of MDPE material are often used as an alternative to building pressurized gas channels too.

·         For Cable Sheets or Wires

For the needs of fibre optic cable protectors, polyethylene pipe products are also often considered. As a material that is resistant to bump, strong and flexible makes pipes with PE material very suitable to protect cable lines that are usually planted underground. Moreover, currently it is offered in roll form with a choice of up to 100 meters per roll which makes application easier.

Based on Product Packaging

It should be noted that product made from high density polyethylene is usually packaged in two different forms, namely coil or roll and straight. For example for fiber optic pipe, usually offered in roll form. Both of them certainly have different functions in terms of helping the installation process, connection system and also mobilization according to existing needs. Let’s discuss one by one.

·         HDPE Straight Pipes

Usually this type of product is available in a length of six meters. However, the length of the product can still be adjusted to our needs. For example, a length of 5.8 or 11.8 per straight pipe is chosen regarding shipping need using containers. For the needs of water pipes, for example, rods with a length of 6 or 12 meters can be chosen.

These straight pipes are usually available in a variety of sizes ranging from 1-1/2 inches to 24 inches. Even some brands on the market today provide a larger size up to 30 inches. For the connection procedure itself, PE pipes with rod packaging are usually connected with the butt fusion method using a welding machine.

·         HDPE Roll Pipes

Similar to straight pipes, type of HDPE pipe in roll packaging is also available in various lengths. Currently there is a length of 50 meters to hundreds of meters for each roll or coil. However, the limitations of large rolls make this type of pipe available in sizes which are not more than or equal to 4 inches in diameter.

Based on Pressure Needs

Next, this type of pipe can also be distinguished based on press requirements. In this case, this product comes with a variety of pressure requirements which are generally represented by the term Pressure Nominal (PN). PN itself refers to the level of the product strength against pressure. Based on SNI (Indonesian National Standard), here are some kinds of HDPE pipes according to PN requirements.

·         Type PN-6.3 and PN-8

PN-6.3 is the type with lowest pressure. On the market, we can find PN-6.3 products in various sizes ranging from 3 inches to 24 inches. Because this one product has a very thin wall thickness, we will not find products of this type in roll form. For type PN-8, it is currently available in several types of sizes ranging from 2-1/2 inches to 24 inches.

·         Type PN-10

HDPE pipe on PN-10 type is the most commonly used for making pressurized clean water lines nowadays. This product can be pressed with a pressure level of 10 kg/cm² or 10 bar making it suitable for building branching channels and main channels. This type is available with a choice of diameters ranging from 1-1/2 inches to 24 inches.

·         Type PN-12,5

PN-12.5 is very suitable for the construction of clean water lines with a rather high pressure. As the name implies, this type has a pressure level of up to 12.5 kg/cm² or 12.5 bar. Unlike subduct for fibre optic cable, this pipe is very suitable for the distribution of water channels such as mining waterways, public facilities to households.

·         Type PN-16

PN-16 is a pipe product made of polyethylene which has the greatest pressure. Unlike other types, products of this type can generally be found in all types of diameter sizes. We can find it with sizes of 1/2 inch to 24 inches. In addition, this type is also available in both straight and roll forms.

Those are various types of pipe which are currently offered by various well-known pipe brands. Given the number of similar brands that sell HDPE pipe, it is not impossible if we are confused when having to choose a brand with the best products. But, you don’t need to worry because currently there is Denya that is ready to provide the best product for you.

Being a specialist in providing quality uPVC, PPR and PE products, Denya offers the best products with guaranteed competitive prices. Denya also prioritizes classy services for each customer or dealer who is interested to work with Denya. So what are you waiting for? If you need a subduct pipe or other high density polyethylene products, don’t hesitate to choose Denya!

Also read: How to join HDPE pipe with all kind of materials.

For Indonesian language please click DENYA INDONESIA site.

How to join HDPE Pipe with all kind of pipe material using universal joint


Universal Joint

There are so many way to join the HDPE pipe we can find out on the internet. But when we discuss in more detail about how to do joint with other kind of pipe material, we found that very seldom people discuss about it. As our client frequently ask question, herewith we discuss about universal joint,the way to join HDPE pipe with almost all kind of pipe material.

Commonly there are so many kind to join the HDPE pipe, but since today we founf that only two popular way to do HDPE pipe to other pipe material join. Other pipe material here means kind of PVC pipe, PPR pipe, Steel pipe, Galvanize pipe and some more.

Here is the two popular kind of universal joint:

  • Stub Flange joint
  • Thread joint


Stubflange joint

denya hdpe stubflange

Stubflange joint means flange to flange joint. Using stub end as the flange holder then bolt and nut to lock the joint. Kind of simple joint and very strong joint. Provide stub flange to each end of the pipe. Remember to insert a gasket or rubber packing between the joint before tighten the bolt and nut.

Required: HDPE welding machine, HDPE Stub end, Flange (any material).

This universal joint generally use to join the larger HDPE pipe.(Diameter 160mm up diameter).


Note that there is a one more universal joint called Flange adaptor but sadly this product only cover up to pipe 110mm diameter and below.

denya flange adaptor

Thread joint

universal joint thread joint (1)

HDPE male adaptor – PVC female adaptor

Thread joint is a kind of universal joint which more easier to joint than stubflange joint. Using the PP compression adaptor fitting (both male and female thread adaptor),  We can easily join the HDPE pipe with other pipe material.

Required: Strap belt, PP compression fitting (male or female thread adaptor), PTFE seal tape

People usually use this universal joint for pipe with diameter 110mm and below.



Good news there is an advantage for both of the universal joint. We can easily unlock the joint and re-join it many time.

Read more.. HDPE Pipe VS PVC Pipe

hdpe pipe weakness sample

HDPE Pipe weakness


HDPE Pipe weakness review and how to avoid and repair easily

All of us know that HDPE Pipe is known as a very strong and superior compared to other pipes. Almost nobody giving you information and review about critical point of HDPE pipe weakness. Here we review it for you. These HDPE Pipe weaknesses are:

  • intense exposure to UV light
    the plastic material will be lost in the UV rays from the sun.
  • not for sewage
    since this is one of the hdpe pipe weakness point, the pipe lifetime will never maximal if you use .
  • doesn’t stand high heat

Since 2006, people starts to experiment using HDPE pipe to substitute the iron /steel pipeline to dispose the palm oil waste. HDPE pipes quickly transformed into favorites and get a lot of attention from the palm oil manufacturer rather than uPVC pipe, PPR pipe and other piping product.

Nowadays HDPE Pipe is popular used as a pipeline to flow the palm oil mill waste and included HDPE pipe in the budget. In fact, currently average palm oil mill uses HDPE pipes for heat water disposal lines. Why? We have researched that HDPE Pipe is still more affordable than steel or iron pipe compare to the lifetime and repair or replacement cost. Steel / iron will rust and have shorter lifetime than HDPE Pipe although it have weaknesses in heat. One more reason we found that most of people using HDPE pipe did not really understand what is it and what HDPE Pipe usage is belong to.

We share HDPE pipe weakness article for you just because we want you to know that HDPE Pipe is  only good and have long life term while the pipe usage is accordance with standards.

That is the ugly truth for you who already use HDPE pipe to replace all your sewage pipeline. It is okay to continue using it as long you know the consequence. You may not available to claim back to any manufacture about the lifetime. Good news for you that you are in the right position to claim if any leakage happened cause by the pressure. Decision is still in your hand.

Here are few tips that may help you to extend the lifetime and cover the HDPE Pipe weakness:

  • You can manipulate and increase the HDPE pipe lifetime by buried the pipeline in the soil.
  • Using air valve helping you to reduce the pipe hydro static pressure and increase the lifetime of the pipe.
  • about repairing the leakage or crack, you may use the HDPE repair saddle. Click here

Again, HDPE Pipe is not designed for hot water and sewage disposal pipeline HDPE pipe weakness point is HEAT. HDPE pipe is specially structure is design for clean and pressurized water. If you need a long lifetime HDPE pipe, make sure you know the HDPE Pipe Character, the pipe strength point and also the HDPE pipe weakness.

PT. Sinar Utama Nusantara


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How to choose a good pipe product


How to choose a good pipe product?

Choosing the good pipe for your needs is a simply but most important thing before you make any pipe purchases because this can prevent you from leakage problems and repetitive work with extra cost in the future.

First of all we are giving you basic guideline for you to choose a good pipe product.

1. Well-known brands and the manufacturers background

Choosing a well-known brand is one of the requirement to choose a good pipe product is a must.
Most noteworthy, not all popular brand is producing a good product since nowadays price focus product is more popular than the good product. Take your time googling around while accompanied with coffee to find out information about the product manufacturer.

Certainly, Here is the general characteristic of a good pipe manufacture:

  • Clear and detail address
  • Good after-sales service (only manufacturer with a good pipe product giving after-sales warranty).
  • Long history and experience (approximately 6 – 8 years)
  • Own a focus brand and primary product
  • Have a complex organizational structure

2. Product certificate and Quality management certificate

Furthermore, make sure the manufacture have product certificate and the Quality assurance management system.

  • Certificate of product from local government instance.
    Certainly, Indonesia country using SNI standard as a basic reference of quality products. If a product using SNI logo means it has been legally tested for it’s quality and is under the supervision of the product certification instance (LsPro) Indonesia.
  • Even more, there is a Quality Management System (ISO).
    The existence of an ISO certificate similarly indicates that the pipe manufacturer is focusing on the quality of its products.

Denya nowadays is one of manufacturer who producing a best quality pipe product and fulfilled both of above requirements written.

good pipe - denya logo


uPVC, PPR, HDPE Pipe Manufacturer in Medan, North Sumatera – Indonesia


Above all, Make your own choices and never make decisions based on other people’s opinions and we wish this article is useful for you to choose a good pipe product. For your knowledge, please also read about hdpe pipe weakness.

Looking for pvc, hdpe and ppr fittings, welding machine and accessories? Direct purchase visit denya official estore.

PVC pipe grade: White vs Grey


PVC pipe grade: white and gray PVC pipe, which one better?

pvc pipe grade

If you think gray is better, then you are wrong. But if you think white is better, you are not right either. Then which one? The answer is dependent on the manufacturer and the commitment of the pipe manufacturer itself. PVC pipe grade is not depends on its color.

In detail I will explain the meaning of my statement above. As a businessman and Managing Director of one of the leading PVC pipe manufacture in Indonesia I just want to share one of the myths about PVC pipe grade comparison between white and gray PVC pipe.

in general, a quality PVC pipe is PVC pipe with ideal composition. Ideal in the sense of the word contains PVC (poly vinyl chloride) in large quantities, about 80% -95% of the total mixture of the material and the rest is filler and addictive. I will explain about the addictive for PVC in other posts. The more filler the pipe, the lower the quality results.

To determine the color of the pipe, we simply use the color pigment. The color pigment itself is included in one component of what we call addictive. Color pigment has only a very small effect under 5% of the total composition of materials used in processing PVC pipe products. It did not affect the PVC pipe grade.

PVC gray pipe commonly in the processes is mixed with recycled PVC materials because the material will not be visible in gray. In this case, recycled materials can not be mixed on white PVC pipe cause it will damage the whiteness of the pipe. The percentage is depend on the company itself.

The more the recycle material used, the more it decreases the quality of the pipe. This is one reason people think that PVC gray pipe quality is worse than white PVC pipe.

However, that opinion is not always true because in white PVC pipe we can easily add white filler into the material of  PVC white pipe product. You will never find out the difference visually.

We can concluded that the actual PVC pipe grade does not depend on the color, but it depend on the composition of the PVC pipe product examine by the manufacturer of the PVC pipe. They are the one who decide the PVC pipe grade.

For example:
PVC pipe factory Denya produces PVC pipe with two common colors i.e gray and white, with each color having two different product categories.
You can choose between:
– a super-quality white PVC pipe, or a white color with a normal quality on good price and a super-quality gray PVC pipe
– or a gray color with a normal quality on a good price as well.

In the conclusion, we cannot simply judge PVC pipe grade by the color.

Thank you for your time and visit on our site.


Hendra So – Managing director of PT. Sinar Utama Nusantara

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